Welcome to the Angelo RC Inc Website!

San Angelo’s Radio Controlled Aircraft Airfield! Spectators Welcome! If you see aircraft flying at the field, please come in and visit! Contact us at angelorcflyers@gmail.com or contact our President Charlie Campbell at 325-651-8027.

Click on flyer above to open the full sized PDF file in a new window!

2024 Outdoor Fly-In

2024 Fly-In Highlights:

The 43rd Annual Outdoor Fly-In/2024 West Texas Fly-In (WTF) was a great success!

We welcomed 29 pilots from all around the state. From Arlington, San Antonio, Lubbock, Midland and locally. We need to thank the following folks for their very hard work: Gary Jones & Jimmy Fogleman, Scott & Mason Bryan and Jimmy Gaona for the countless hours they have spent getting our field ready. Thank you, Josh Yarbro, for being our CD and Mark Greer for obtaining our raffle prizes and managing the check-ins. Below are photos from this year’s event.

Jimmy Gaona Photos

Gary Jones Photos

Raffle Winners!

Raffle Area Volunteers

Friday, October 10th & 11th (Arrivals)
9:00am- Field open for pilots to test fly their aircraft. RV’s are welcome for overnight stays, however, there are no camper hookups.

Saturday, October 12th
9:00am- Field open, pilot check-in, Safety briefing (see video below)
9:00am-7pm- Open Flying

1:00pm- Raffle Drawing
7pm-whenever: Night Flying

Sunday, October 13th
9:00am- Field open, new pilot check-in & Safety briefing (see video below) 9:00am- 1pm- Open Flying 1pm- Raffle drawing
1:30pm-3pm- Open Flying 3pm- Fly-In closes to the public, however, pilots can still fly until dusk.

Scheduled Events: Raffle Drawing: 1pm (Saturday, October 12th) Raffle Tickets will be available both day and sold at the registration desk. Tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5, 13 for $10 or 30 for $20. Winners do need to be present to win!

Special Information for Pilots

1) All pilots must have a current AMA membership and present their card at the registration desk when signing in.
2) Landing fee is $5 per day or $10 for the weekend.
3) Tables under the covered area are not reserved and are on a first come, first serve basis. Electricity is available for anyone who needs it, however, you will need to bring your own extension cords to plug into the outlets.
4) The field will be open Friday at 9 am, October 10th & 11th for pilots to setup and test fly their aircraft.
5) For any questions regarding this year’s fly-in, please contact the Contest Director, Josh Yarbro at (325) 304-1882 or email at josh.w.yarbro@gmail.com

2022 Safety Orientation Video